WARNING: This blog post is purely about me, myself and fashion. No cool tips here. Sorry kids. But if you feel snoopish, have a go at reading it. :]
As this is the beginning of the summer and all my clothes are shit, I have to go Overhaul shopping again.
Sorry about the massive amount of time between posts, I had so much to do.
First I had finals, then soon afterward I had to pack and move out of my dorm, not to mention all the time I've been spending with my man-friend instead of thinking about fashion. The month just flew by. Also. I work in the Costume department at Uni, and it is seriously the most brutal clothes related job you can ever have.
Its like a horrid mixture of working in a factory, track and field, the game memory and a problem solving competition all mashed into one. But I love it firecely.
Apologies aside, I still need to revamp my wardrobe.
Every year or so, I completely shift up my style. This is most likely because I get bored with myself, but that is neither here nor there. This year I have been especially boring as I was trying to veer away from my previous trend (menswear/ fancy dyke) and into a more gender specific role.
I'd become so comfortable with Mensclothes that it just became second nature for me to throw on a perfect skinny jean, button down, blazer combination on the regular without even breaking a sweat. I could get dressed in literally 10 minutes ( a record in my case as it usually takes me an hour or so).
The reason why I stated wearing mensclothes was because I was really into chicks at the time, and what lipstick-lesbian can resist a hipster-dyke? None, I tell you! * shakes fist at the sky*
But then after I got to college and there really weren't that many cool lezzies out there, I shifted my preference back to boys.
Thus a predicament: All my Man Clothes Must GO!
I had to learn to be a girl again. You'd be surprised how much is involved in that.
I forced myself to veer away from my easy outfit combinations towards something that wasn't my style at all so I could get back into the swing of things.
But now that I'm finally here and currently repossess all my chick dressing skills, the question 'What style should I pick?' arose.
After much thought and deliberation I have chosen "Grunge Beatnik".
I have an almost salacious affair with the color black. Not only does it look delicious on me, but you can pretty much wear that color everyday without people really noticing. Which is hella great news for a college student who rolls out of bed every day at 11:30.
I also enjoy grunge women more than the average dyke should. I have a bit of a thing for Courtney Love and I'm not afraid to say it.
Its just trashy and sexable, with a dash of self destruction and a few sprinkles of glamour.
The exact feel this band the sounds gives. Just awesome girl rock.
And the next piece of this trend I'm going to be embodying is a bit older.
Beatnik, a media stereotype of the 1950s and early 1960s, was a synthesis of the more superficial aspects of the Beat Generation literary movement of the 1950s into violent film images and a cartoonish misrepresentation of the real-life people and the spirituality found in Jack Kerouac's autobiographical fiction. Kerouac spoke out against this misdirected detour from his original concept.
"Beat Generation" sold books, sold black turtleneck sweaters and bongos, berets and dark glasses, sold a way of life that seemed like dangerous fun—thus to be either condemned or imitated. Suburban couples could have beatnik parties on Saturday nights and drink too much and fondle each other’s wives.[7]"
Basically beatnicks are deep feeling, drug doing, black wearing people from the 1960's. So they are pretty much what hipsters are now. But back in the day. And they wear black. :D
( plus a dash of edie sedgwick just cause shes so tragic)
I'm going to be cramming these two concepts together to create "Grunge Beatnik".
In conclusion, next year I'm going to be a grungy, glamourous, trashy, pretentious sophisticate who snaps alot.