Aesthetics. They matter.

Aesthetics. They matter.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


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Straight across the forehead type bangs.
(crew cut short in the back)

Throwback to the 1950's.

Asymmetrical Shag.

Teased and flat topped.

Wavy side bangs.

Crew cut.

( brought back by the reappearance of the nautical trend.)

Greased and slicked.

Asymmetrical long hair.

Thick wideswept long bangs.

(crew cut short in the back and on the sides.)

Wavy curly tousled fringe.

( an adorable naughty English boy look that I've been dying over)

This seasons newest and hottest looks in men's hair. Courtesy of WGSN.

This post is a bit of a continuation of the previous one.

A lot of guys really have no idea to do with that hairy bit that grows out of their head, and I must say ( with much wisdomosity) that it is totally understandable since absolutely no one tells them or shows them.

Unlike us lovely girls, who can turn on the T.V, open a magazine or generally whirl around in a circle to see what is expected of us visually and fashionably when it comes to our hair. Guys are kind of left in the dark.

This usually results in telling the barber " Trim the back, a little off the sides and a bit shorter on top." giving them that horribly generic look ( which is not the barber's fault because the request is so damn vague).

I don't think that some guys really understand how important having a good hairstyle is.
(Yes, I said it. Hair STYLE. Like the kind you go to a hairdresser to give.)

Us chicks can think eons about you guys at first sight based only on your hair. At times, a good haircut can even save you from having a terrible fashion sense. It also places you more firmly into whatever subculture you're choosing to identify with ( punk, beatnik, indie, raver, goth, rockabilly, etc).

It can be the difference between appearing to be a "hot guy" or a "cute guy". Which for some reason seems to be important to most guys I've met.

In conclusion: Find a hairstyle. Pay attention to hair trends every so often. Don't be afraid of picking up a men's fashion magazine and flipping through it to check what's going on in the world on Men's Aesthetics.

It could mean the difference between getting a cool girl to like you or not.

Because, that thing people say about being attracted to someone on the inside is totally flippin bull shit.
First its visual then its emotional.

And if you don't get the first part its wildly less likely to get the second.




  1. This post was so fucking harsh.

    sorry about that guys. I've been feeling ruthless lately.

  2. Lmao I enjoy your ruthlessness! People need to hear the truth, I feel like it sinks in a lot better when you're harsh about it. Yay for educating men!

    PS. I never really got the difference between the whole cute and hot thing :/ I always use them interchangeably, but guys care about that so much! It's weird, if someone calls me cute my reaction is never "Shit I'm ugly."

  3. You know which kyle this is.April 11, 2010 at 12:51 PM

    Usual male perspective here. Which makes me a fashion philistine by the virtue of having a Y chromasome.

    But the problem is 90% of these make you look like a, well, not a heterosexual. Especially in the eyes of our most brutal peers, other dudes. I personally refuse to run around looking like jerry lee lewis, Edward scissor hands or Edward cullen. The hair-over-one-eye deal is for anime characters, barely legal higschoolers of both genders and girls.

    Lets leave the being pretty to the experts, you all are better at it anyway.

  4. These aren't everyman looks. This is just what's popular on the runways these days.

    These haircuts (some) are for fashion savy and apppearance wary men. The type of men who drown in pussy because of their overwhelming hotness.

    You guys dont want to be attentive to these things because you're under the impression that it threatens your masculinity.

    This is a perfect example of the boy in ballet situation.

    In the boy in ballet situation: a (straight) boy who takes ballet gets ridiculed by his peers for being feminine.
    However he is the only one of his friends who gets to watch hot flexible girls change, see them in tiny outfits and inoffensively grab their thighs and grope them on the regular. Making him the one who is getting more "action" than his peers.

    Regardless of their supposed masculinity.

    I know a straight man who pays only the slightest attention to fashion, but recently got a really really sharp haircut. Suddenly eveyone wants to be in the party in his pants. It was miraculous to watch.

    So dont turn your nose up at my advice. I base it on experience.

  5. I'd still rather not get my ass chewed out by the guys. I suppose runway looks are supposed to be over done and thus thus toned down as they are merely supposed to be influential. one fashion major told me that fashion is "something so ugly they have to change it every 6 months" and sometimes, I must agree.

    Most of these fellows who are "fashion savvy" with the runway looks are not drowning in pussy. More like cock. Bags upon bags of cock. One trip to NYC will show you that.
