Aesthetics. They matter.

Aesthetics. They matter.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Real men wear them.

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When ever I hear people call kilts skirts it kind of pisses me off.

Only the manliest of men have the balls to wear kilts, and we can check by looking under them ;)
Besides being really awesome, kilts are roomy and airy. Like wearing a skirt, but a skirt that is manlier than pants.

This is what wikipedia has to say about kilts:

The Scottish kilt displays uniqueness of design, construction, and convention which differentiate it from other garments fitting the general description. It is a tailored garment that is wrapped around the wearer's body at the natural waist (between the lowest rib and the hip) starting from one side (usually the wearer's left), around the front and back and across the front again to the opposite side. The fastenings consist of straps and buckles on both ends, the strap on the inside end usually passing through a slit in the waistband to be buckled on the outside; alternatively it may remain inside the waistband and be buckled inside.

A kilt covers the body from the waist down to the centre of the knees. The overlapping layers in front are called "aprons" and are flat; the single layer of fabric around the sides and back is pleated. A kilt pin is fastened to the front apron on the free corner (but is not passed through the layer below). Underwear may or may not be worn, as the wearer prefers, but in some circumstances underwear is prohibited by military regulations.[citation needed] Tradition has it that a "true Scotsman" should wear nothing under his kilt.[2]

The history of the kilt stretches back to at least late 16th century.

The kilt first appeared as the great kilt, a full-length garment whose upper half could be worn as a cloak draped over the shoulder, or brought up over head as a cloak. The small kilt or walking kilt (similar to the "modern" kilt) did not develop until the late 17th or early 18th century, and is essentially the bottom half of the great kilt.

The nationalism of the kilt is relatively recent. It was only with the Romantic Revival of the early 19th century that the highland kilt was adopted by Lowlanders and the Scottish diaspora as a symbol of national identity. People from other countries with Celtic connections, some Irish, Cornish, Welsh and Manx, have also adopted tartan kilts in recent times, although to a lesser degree.

Where to get one:

Where to get a sporran ( the purse bit at the front):

If you're into cool Scottish stuff, I highly reccomend this book series:

Its this awesome historical fiction novel about a woman named Claire who time travels from the 1940's to the 18th century and goes on all these awesome hardcore adventures with a hot Highlander. Its a thick read, but I own like all of them and they are so good I've read them into filthy torn submission.



  1. Guys in the kilt looks very sexy , mmmrrrr :0

  2. ive pondered the whole skirts idea and i have come to the conclusion that considering our respective equipment, boys should wear skirts and girls should wear pants. why didnt it turn out that way?

  3. hmmm... I think its bcause instead of rationality, Men wanted women to be "easy access" and they controled the fashion industry so they put us in skirts. :D

  4. What about Liam Neeson(#2)? I just about flipped shit when I learned he was in a movie about Scottishness.

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